
Woman Whose Body Was Found in Grove Was Killed by Blow to Head

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A woman whose body farm workers discovered Thursday was killed by a powerful blow to the head, officials said Friday.

“Blunt force trauma to the head apparently caused a skull fracture and was the cause of death,” Sheriff’s Lt. Robert Rivas said.

Sheriff’s deputies have not identified the victim.

“We’re at a loss right now,” Rivas said. “We don’t have anything. She could have been dumped there.”


Farmhands found the fully clothed body about 3:45 p.m. as they were inspecting an orange grove east of Trabuco Road between Jeffrey Road and Sand Canyon Avenue.

Investigators described the victim as being between 15 and 30 years old; 5 feet, 2 inches tall and 110 pounds; and having dark brown shoulder-length hair.

The woman was wearing a white short-sleeve T-shirt, blue floral print baggy pants with a drawstring and a pair of navy blue shorts underneath.

It was difficult to provide a more detailed physical description, officials said, because her body had begun to decompose after having been outside for at least a week.

“It has been raining, and she was there awhile,” Rivas said.

Officials asked anyone with information to call (714) 647-7055.
