
TECHNOLOGY - April 7, 1992

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Compiled by Dean Takahashi / Times staff writer

Toshiba Color Shift: The introduction of the new line of color notebook computers this week could mark a shift in Toshiba America Information System’s manufacturing presence in Irvine.

The Commerce Department, reacting to evidence of “dumping” by Asian manufacturers, imposed a tariff on imports of certain high-quality color screens for notebook computers shipped to the United States. Dumping is an anti-competitive practice of selling goods below cost to drive other companies out of the market.

The duty applies only to color computer screens shipped separately to the United States, not those that are part of a finished product.


After the tariff was imposed, Toshiba said last year that it planned to manufacture its high-quality color notebook computers in Japan instead of the United States, reversing a policy begun in the late-1980s of manufacturing locally more products that are sold in this country.

Michael Winkler, general manager of the computer division, said that his company hopes the tariff will be lifted to prevent American jobs from going overseas.

But as time goes on, the bulk of the company’s computers, featuring the screens that carry the tariffs, could be made in Japan.
