
School Board Will Discuss Budget Cuts

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The Saddleback Unified School District board tonight will discuss proposed budget cuts and fee increases that may be needed to close a projected $2.6-million deficit in the district’s 1992-93 budget.

One of the proposals to stem the flow of red ink would increase by 83% the fees parents pay to have their children bused.

If the proposal is given final approval by the board in May, busing fees would rise from $150 to $274 per child for an annual pass, and from $75 to $137 for a semester pass. Another proposal calls for either eliminating school busing or having parents pay the entire cost of busing, roughly $365 per student per year.


Other options are the elimination of the district’s Model United Nations program, elementary choral programs and the Mock Trial program at the district’s four high schools. Personnel cuts, including dismissing a certified librarian at each of the high schools, will also be discussed.

The budget reduction proposals will be presented to the board for informational purposes only. The trustees are not expected to take final action on any cuts until May 12, said Thomas K. Tullar, director of business services.

The board meets at 7 p.m. at 25631 Diseno Drive.
