
Abortion Controversy

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Quinn says, and rightfully so, that “pro-lifers” call women who have abortions “murderers.”

It says a lot about the true agenda of those same pro-lifers that none of them has ever accused any man or boy (who did, after all, do the impregnating) of being a murderer. I have never gotten a “yes” answer from any man when I ask: “Did someone hold a gun to your head to have sex with her?” Therefore, I can say without fear of contradiction (except from pro-lifers) that men are 50% responsible for pregnancies.

Since, in the eyes of pro-lifers, women who have abortions are murderers but the men who impregnate them are not, I guess the pro-lifers are upholding the tried-and-true tradition of the good ole days--it’s a man’s due to enjoy sex (including premarital, rape or incest) with no responsibility for the outcome, but a woman who enjoys sex (or has sex forced upon her) must be punished by being a “vessel of God’s procreation.”


I would bet that, if the pro-lifers started attacking sexually active men and boys with the same righteously vicious zeal with which they attack women and girls, the need for abortions would decrease significantly, because there’d be a lot more protected sex, or a lot less sex in general.


West Hollywood
