
Clinton Income Dipped in ‘91; Jerry Brown Grossed $117,340

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<i> from Associated Press</i>

Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, earned $33,000 less in 1991 than the year before, according to income tax returns the Clinton presidential campaign released Friday.

Clinton’s rival for the Democratic nomination, former California Gov. Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr. released a partial tax return Friday, showing that he paid $15,141 in federal taxes on an adjusted gross income of $117,340.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. April 20, 1992 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Monday April 20, 1992 Home Edition Part A Page 3 Column 5 Metro Desk 1 inches; 34 words Type of Material: Correction
Clinton’s salary--In Saturday’s editions of The Times, the Associated Press reported that Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton’s salary for 1991 was $38,167. Clinton actually received a salary of $35,000 and $3,167 from a state public relations fund.

The Clintons’ 1991 returns show that the governor earned $46,854 last year and that his wife, an attorney, earned $188,547.


The figure for Hillary Clinton included $13,466 in interest income and $11,000 in honorariums earned in combination with her husband. Her earnings also included $64,700 in fees for sitting on several corporate boards.

The couple’s 1990 returns showed Clinton earned $54,000, including his $35,000 salary as governor and the $19,000 public-relations fund appropriated for the governor.

The 1991 return showed Clinton’s salary as $38,167, but did not report income from the public-relations fund. The governor is allowed to use that fund any way he wishes.

Brown’s campaign released only the first two pages of the return he mailed to the government earlier this week showing $110,927 in business income and $15,248 in interest and dividend income. The return reported investment losses of nearly $6,000.

The specific sources of Brown’s income and losses were not detailed since the campaign did not immediately release the various schedules and attachments that accompanied his return.

However, the financial disclosure form Brown filed with the government Oct. 21 after becoming a presidential candidate reported his main sources of income and described them in the usual broad ranges. They included:


--Income of between $50,000 and $100,000 from Fullbright & Jaworski, a California law firm where he has worked part time since 1984.

--A director’s fee valued at between $15,000 and $50,000 from ICN Biomedicals, a Costa Mesa-based biomedical company run by longtime political supporter Milan Panic.

The major assets Brown listed on the disclosure form included vacation cabins and land in Northern California valued at between $100,000 and $250,000.
