
Judge’s Plea for Legal Drugs Pleases Some, Irks Others

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Hooray for Judge Gray! Brad Gates asked, “What kind of role model is Judge James P. Gray?” I say a courageous one! He is a man who spoke out for what he believed in and I pray that I raise my sons to do the same.

The world of Judge Gray would be a much saner, safer place. If drugs were decriminalized (not legalized) and given to adults who want them for personal use, we would eliminate every drug pusher, every drug promoter, the entire drug economy that swamps whole segments of our population.

In their place would be drug warnings, medical supervision, drug education and drug rehabilitation. Drug usage, smuggling, theft, guns, prostitution, gangs and the allure of drugs as forbidden fruit would all decline sharply. Police, border patrols and other drug enforcement personnel could be directed toward positive, attainable goals. Helping instead of punishing the problem.


And to Fullerton Police Chief Phil Goehring, who asked, “How would we tell our children this stuff is bad for you once it is legal?” I would ask him what he tells his children about alcohol, smoking, gluttony, greed, envy, avarice, pride and other moral issues which are not illegal.

Brad Gates also said he is “going to make sure that the public of this country never forgets Judge Gray and the position he took.” I too hope that the public does not forget and seriously considers Judge Gray’s position.


