
Brown Worships in Pennsylvania, Clinton in Arkansas

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From a Times Staff Writer

Former California Gov. Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr. attended Easter services at a predominantly black Roman Catholic church and gave a few radio interviews, but otherwise took a breather Sunday from his struggling campaign to win Pennsylvania’s Democratic presidential primary on April 28.

His rival, Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, attended Easter church services in Little Rock and took the day off from politicking.

Brown read briefly from the Bible during the two-hour service at St. Peter Claver Roman Catholic Church, Philadelphia’s oldest black Roman Catholic church.


Brown also told the parishioners about his stay Friday night at a Catholic Worker shelter for homeless people in North Philadelphia.

“Right in the neighborhood, bombed-out buildings like World War II. Crack dealers openly operating on the street corner, with police driving by. That’s not right, that doesn’t have to be,” he said. His remarks drew “amens” and applause.

After receiving Communion with other congregants, Brown got an Easter gift: A jar of jelly beans.


Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell (D-Me.), appearing on NBC-TV’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, endorsed Clinton and said he would not rule out any offer to run as his vice president.
