
Beaches Busy in Record Heat : High-Temperature Mark Falls for Third Consecutive Day; Cooling-Off Period Is Due

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After a third day of record-breaking temperatures, which lured thousands from classrooms and offices to the beach, the heat was expected to break today along the coast.

The bad news is, the cooling period will only last until the weekend, said Rick Dittmann, meteorologist for WeatherData Inc., which provides forecasts for The Times.

Monday’s high of 92 broke the record for the date set in 1986 in Santa Ana and drew more than 45,000 people to the shore in Huntington Beach alone, said Mike Beuerlein, a marine safety lieutenant.


“There are quite a few people out there playing hooky,” Beuerlein said. “All ages--children, families. . . . It seems unending.”

Beuerlein said lifeguards were straining to handle the crowds.

“We’re being challenged by the minute,” said Beuerlein, who at 1:40 p.m. reported that 15 lifeguards had handled more than 20 rescues at Huntington Beach. On Sunday, he said, 40 lifeguards attended to problems including epileptic seizures, a stingray wound and dislocated shoulders.

The picture was similar at Newport Beach, where about 30,000 people went to the beach.

“It’s almost as if it were summer vacation or something,” said Mitch White, marine safety officer there.


White estimated that lifeguard rescues probably would total “somewhere around 40 if they keep going the way they’re going.”

Meteorologists said the average temperature for the date is 73 degrees, but Monday’s high was almost 20 degrees higher.

It was the third straight day of record-breaking temperatures. On Saturday, the high was 91. On Sunday it dropped to 88 but still broke the record.


Inland temperatures today are expected to remain in the 90s in some areas, but coastal temperatures are expected to cool by the afternoon, when winds off the ocean bring in cooler air.

“Basically, the heat wave will break,” Dittmann said. “The air that brings cool temperatures is over the ocean.”

Temperatures today should be in the 70s along the coast, and in the 80s and low 90s inland.

Wednesday’s temperatures should be in the mid-60s to 70s along the coast and the mid-70s to 80s inland.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District issued a health advisory Monday for the North County.

The Orange County Fire Department warned residents to take it easy in the heat.

“When you haven’t had hot days around for a while your tolerance is not the same,” said Fire Department spokeswoman Kathleen Cha. “Sunburn will come very quickly.” Older people and children are particularly vulnerable, she said.


Cha also warned that pets and cars can quickly overheat.

Hot Streak Santa Ana has sweltered through three record hot days, well above the normal 73-degree mark:Saturday, April 25: New High: 91 degrees Old High (1965): 84 degrees Sunday, April 26: New High: 88 degrees Old High (1969): 84 degrees Monday, April 27: New High: 92 degrees Old High (1986): 86 degrees Source: WeatherData
