
Youths Get a Lesson in Animation

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As all filmmakers know, a lot of work goes into producing a scene that may be on the TV or movie screen for just a few seconds. A group of seventh- and eighth-grade students from local school districts learned that lesson well when they gathered this week to produce 30-second public service announcements to be distributed to TV stations and movie theaters.

More than 200 students and teachers spent Monday and Tuesday in the workshop, called AnimAction. It was held at the Santa Fe Springs Town Center and sponsored by the Los Angeles County Office of Education. Working in teams of 10 to 15 students grouped by district and assisted by professional animators, they designed, drew and filmed a videotape with a variety of announcements urging their peers to be sober, abstain from drugs and tobacco, and avoid gang involvement.

Students from Emery Park School in Alhambra, left, use movie camera on stand to film their drawings. Other youths, below left, from Shively School in South El Monte work on sketches in cartoon-like panels. Below right, leaders Donna Van Allen, left, and Suzanne Smith advise Steve Silva, 14, on his sketches.
