
Outrage Over King Verdict

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April 29, 1992, will long be remembered as “a day in infamy” in the history of California, and especially the history of Simi Valley!

Given the facts that are known to the world, it is almost beyond belief that a rational and unbiased jury could find Officers Laurence M. Powell, Timothy E. Wind, Theodore J. Briseno and Stacey C. Koon not guilty in the Rodney King beating.

This verdict is inexcusable for one very obvious reason: While most juries have to struggle with the uncertainty of circumstantial evidence in arriving at a verdict, the jurors in the Rodney King case had the unusual opportunity of seeing a videotape of the alleged crime. But then, I suppose it should be remembered that there is none so blind as he who does not wish to see. Justice should be blind, but not jurors!


America, you have come a long way baby, but you have got a far way to go in achieving racial equity.


Los Angeles
