
TwinPorts’ Plight

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The proposal to build a regional airport straddling the U.S.-Mexican Border, known as “TwinPorts” was dealt a lethal blow recently when Mexico began construction of a new jumbo-jet maintenance base at Rodriguez International Airport. The facility is part of Mexico’s $150-million airport expansion plan, which includes building two parallel 10,000-foot runways capable of handling all international flights.

Mexico has nothing to gain from TwinPorts. It has the market, the financing and, most importantly, it doesn’t have to get permission from the United States to expand its facilities.

We cannot treat Mexico as a poor stepchild any longer.

Mexico will do what is good for Mexico, not what pleases only the United States or local petty politicians.


In areas of mutual benefit, both nations should work together in full consultation and cooperation.

As a result of poor planning, arrogance, indecision, political posturing, and a plain lack of leadership, an airport in San Diego County will not be built in the near future. Millions in air tariffs and perhaps billions in economic development have been lost.

TwinPorts is dead, it just hasn’t been buried yet.

