
Rioting in Los Angeles

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After each riot, liberal apologists roll out their twisted logic: Poverty is inexcusable, society oppresses the poor, riots are a legitimate form of protest, rioters need amnesty, the government should rebuild burned-out areas, and social programs had better increase or else.

Such rhetoric doesn’t mention that most of the poor hate rioting, rioters are hooligans and thugs, they burn and loot stores of all races, and riot-torn areas suffer greatly for years afterward. Businesses move out, insurance goes up, and property values go down. It’s not the government’s job to rebuild.

What’s needed is more attention to moderates and to the responsible leaders of the poor. They don’t excuse riots. They seek to channel unrest into legitimate protests such as marches and boycotts. These are the people to listen to.


AL GARNER, Midway City
