
L.A. saw evidence of it everywhere: And,...

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L.A. saw evidence of it everywhere: And, so, the week winds down. Not just any week, either. This was proclaimed some time ago as Law Week 1992 in California.

Holy water: One group of preservers of the law, the National Guard troops stationed in downtown L.A., had no place to take showers. So Cardinal Roger Mahony invited the soldiers to bathe at the rectory of the Cathedral of St. Vibiana.

The cathedral “has traditionally been known as a place where one can go for soul cleansing,” said Archdiocese spokesman Bill Rivera, “but no one ever believed it would become the scene of mass body-cleansing as well.”


The valet let them park it themselves: A Humvee carrying National Guard troops rumbled into the parking lot of Schatzi on Main, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s restaurant in Santa Monica, for lunch the other day. Painted on the back of the vehicle: “We’re Going to Disneyland!”

The neighbors talk: “ . . . Travelers concerned about visiting Los Angeles due to safety concerns may wish to reconsider the location of their hotel accommodations,” crows a press release from the city of Beverly Hills, which obviously recognized a good chance to exploit the riots.

” . . . Beverly Hills’ experienced police and fire departments moved swiftly to protect this separately incorporated city. While looting and arson were rampant in surrounding areas, Beverly Hills remained calm and secure.”


More from the neighbors: You may recall the press release from another L.A. neighbor that emphasized that although there was “major damage on portions of Santa Monica Boulevard . . . the city of Santa Monica is not located near the area of unrest, and business continues as usual in our city.”

“Not!” replies Jeanne Heller of West L.A. Heller points out that she and her dog, Rhodie, a Brittany, were “among the many entrants disappointed when the city of Santa Monica canceled the two-day dog shows at the Civic Auditorium--located next to the Police Department.”

Didn’t anyone consult Beverly Hills about hosting it?

Parade takes a wrong turn: In his latest column for Parade, Walter Scott wrote that the HOLLYWOOD sign “originally said HOLLYWOODLAND and was erected on Mt. Wilson in 1923 by a land developer as an outdoor ad that could be seen for miles.”


Actually, it was built on Mt. Lee. Had it been erected on Mt. Wilson, points out Tom Bratter, the original sign probably would have said:


Attacking art: While June Turpin was painting a pastoral springtime scene at Descanso Gardens, she was interrupted by Willard, the La Canada park’s unofficial mascot.

Not only did the webbed critic step on her palette, he slurped from her container of water and then--while she photographed the intruder--took a couple of pecks at her canvas. Willard is far too unruly for Beverly Hills.


The final irony of the week: Today is National Fire Service Day.
