
Congressional Elections

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Here are the candidates running for the seats in the 39th, 41st, 47th and 48th congressional districts in the June 2 primary.

The Issues

The candidates were asked these questions:

Abortion rights--Do you support or oppose abortion rights?

Capital gains tax--Do you support cuts in the federal capital gains tax?

Health plan--Do you support President Bush’s national health plan, which would provide tax breaks for low- and middle-income families and slash Medicaid by $35 billion over five years?

Gun control--Do you support a bill similar to the Brady bill, which would place a waiting period on the purchase of handguns?


Soviet aid--Do you support the Bush plan to bail out the republics of the former Soviet Union?

Desert protection--Do you support the Cranston desert bill, which would dramatically expand the area in the Mojave and other sections of California to protect against encroachment?


Edward R. Royce, Republican

Home: Fullerton

Age: 40

Occupation: State senator

Background: Has served in the state Senate for 10 years; authored numerous bills supporting crime victims’ rights, including stalking law; chairman of the Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee; former businessman and capital projects manager.


Issues: Abortion rights--opposes except in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--supports. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--supports loans, not grants, to new governments. Desert protection--opposes.

Garry Hamud, Democrat

Home: La Habra

Age: 44

Occupation: Attorney and community college instructor

Background: Named Democrat of the Year for 1991 in the 52nd Assembly District; member of the California Democratic Council; member of the state Democratic Party’s Central Committee; unsuccessful candidate in two previous congressional races.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--opposes except for businesses involved in job creation. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--opposes at federal level. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--supports.


Molly McClanahan, Democrat

Home: Fullerton

Age: 54

Occupation: Member of Fullerton City Council; director of the Anaheim Youth Employment Service

Background: First elected to the Fullerton council in 1982; served as mayor in 1989; Fullerton College Foundation board member; former chairwoman of the Orange County Housing Advisory Committee; past president of the North Orange County chapter of League of Women Voters.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports if it spurs job creation. Health care plan--opposes, but supports broader plan. Gun control--supports. Soviet aid--supports if other nations also contribute. Desert protection--supports.

Jack Dean, Libertarian

Home: Fullerton

Age: 44

Occupation: Management company administrator

Background: Unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. Senate in 1988; unsuccessful candidate for State Board of Equalization in 1982; co-founder in 1981 of the Samuel Adams Society, which is dedicated to the development of Libertarian Party candidates; past state and county party chairman.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports total elimination. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--opposes.


Charles W. Bader, Republican

Home: Pomona

Age: 52

Occupation: Owns a real estate and property management firm

Background: Served in state Assembly from 1982 to 1990, focusing on school construction and environmental safety issues; former city councilman and mayor of Pomona during the 1970s; left the Assembly in 1990 to mount a state Senate campaign but lost in a close race to Democrat Ruben S. Ayala.


Issues: Abortion rights--opposes except in cases of rape, incest or when the mother’s life is at risk. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--opposes, but supports reforms, such as tax credits to small businesses that provide coverage to workers. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--opposes loans or grants. Desert protection--opposes Cranston Senate bill but favors alternative House bill.

Jay C. Kim, Republican

Home: Diamond Bar

Age: 53

Occupation: Owns an engineering design firm

Background: Mayor of Diamond Bar; first elected to the City Council in 1990; ordained elder in his church; named 1988 Engineer of the Year by the Asian American Architects and Engineers; numerous community board memberships including the Olympic Advisory Council during 1980s.

Issues: Abortion rights--personally opposes, but does not believe the issue should be dictated by the government. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--opposes socialized medicine but supports tax credits for individual family health care funds. Gun control--supports. Soviet aid--supports some loans. Desert protection--supports if it is at no cost to taxpayers.

James V. Lacy, Republican

Home: Yorba Linda

Age: 39

Occupation: Businessman

Background: Former attorney with the U.S. Department of Commerce; served as director of the American Conservative Union; former national chairman of Young Americans for Freedom; former aide to Howard Jarvis during Proposition 13 campaign.

Issues: Abortion rights--opposes. Capital gains tax cut--supports total elimination. Health care plan--generally supports but wants to ensure care for senior citizens. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--limited support; wants reduction in all foreign aid. Desert protection--opposes.

John Hoover, Republican

Home: Fullerton

Age: 39

Occupation: Author and producer of corporate training and development programs

Background: Involved with child abuse prevention program CHILDHELP U.S.A.; member of watchdog group Tax Action Network; works with program that feeds and houses homeless; campaigned for 1980 independent presidential candidate John Anderson.


Issues: Abortion rights--supports a national election in which only women could vote on abortion rights. Capital gains tax cut--prefers a three-tiered tax code that would include capital gains. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--opposes waiting period but supports registration of purchasers. Soviet aid--should not exceed amount dedicated to rebuilding urban inner cities in United States. Desert protection--opposes.

George Henry Margolis, Republican

Home: Yorba Linda

Age: 61

Occupation: Part-time administrative employee at a veterans hospital

Background: Retired Air Force colonel; hospital volunteer before becoming part-time employee; unsuccessful Democratic candidate in 1990 for the seat held by Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Newport Beach).

Issues: Abortion rights--supports in cases of rape, incest or if mother’s life is endangered. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--supports. Gun control--opposes, but favors background checks of purchasers. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--supports.

James Todhunter, Republican

Home: Irvine

Age: 47

Occupation: Owner of numerous small businesses, including janitorial service

Background: Former Democrat who joined the Republican Party in 1978; member of the California Republican Assembly; started four small businesses in the last 20 years involving the production of hang gliders and skateboards.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports abolishment. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--supports waiting period, but not “radical” gun control laws. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--opposes.

Bob Baker, Democrat

Home: Anaheim

Age: 40

Occupation: Analyst for major defense contractor

Background: Ran unsuccessfully for Anaheim City Council in 1988; leader in the defeat of a tax measure on 1991 Anaheim ballot; served in the U.S. Army intelligence unit for 12 years and received the Bronze Star for tour of duty in Vietnam.


Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--opposes, favors broader plan. Gun control--supports. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--undecided.

Mike Noonan, Peace and Freedom

Home: Claremont

Age: 52

Occupation: Pharmacist

Background: Co-founder of the Peace and Freedom Party; state and Los Angeles County party chairman during the early 1980s; ran unsuccessfully in five previous elections during the 1980s against Rep. David Dreier (R-La Verne); local chapter vice president of the American Civil Liberties Union 1982-84.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--opposes. Health care plan--opposes because it does not go far enough. Gun control--supports, although party opposes. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--supports.


Christopher Cox, Republican

Home: Newport Beach

Age: 39

Occupation: Incumbent

Background: Elected to Congress in 1988; attorney; with his father founded a company that translated to English the Soviet Union’s daily newspaper Pravda; senior associate counsel to President Reagan from 1986-88; co-chairman of the congressional Task Force on Budget Process Reform.

Issues: Abortion rights--opposes federal funding for abortions. Capital gains tax cut--supports total elimination. Health care plan--supports. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--opposes Cranston Senate bill, but supports House bill.

Steven J. Frogue, Republican

Home: Lake Forest

Age: 49

Occupation: High school history teacher

Background: Active in community organizations including the Saddleback Area Historical Society; past president of Friends of the El Toro Library; volunteer with Scouts and youth sports leagues.


Issues: Unavailable for comment.

Robert L. Moore, Republican

Home: Irvine

Age: 50

Occupation: Manufactures decorative ceramic tiles and is an engineer at Hughes Aircraft.

Background: Has served for 12 years on the Saddleback Community College District board; member of Irvine’s Community Services Commission during the late 1970s; current local chapter secretary of the Armed Forces Communication Electronics Assn.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--supports broader program. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--opposes because of greater American need for dollars. Desert protection--opposes.

John F. Anwiler, Democrat

Home: Lake Forest

Age: 48

Occupation: Business development economist

Background: California native whose only previous political involvement was an unsuccessful campaign in the mid-1970s for the Los Angeles Community College board; real estate broker.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--supports. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--supports.

Maxine B. Quirk, Peace and Freedom

Home: Orange

Age: 70

Occupation: Apartment owner/manager

Background: A frequent congressional candidate who also has run for the state Senate and State Board of Equalization; secretary/treasurer of local Gray Panthers chapter.


Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--opposes. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--supports, although party opposes. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--supports.


Ed Mayerhofer, Republican

Home: Fountain Valley

Age: 27

Occupation: Self-employed in carpet-cleaning business

Background: Orange County native and first-time candidate; volunteer at Orange County Marine Institute.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports complete tax reform. Health care plan--partially supports. Gun control--supports. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--supports.

Stephen Todd, Republican

Home: Mission Viejo

Age: 49

Occupation: Economic adviser

Background: Member of the California Republican Assembly and Young Americans for Freedom during the late 1970s; volunteer for the YMCA and Little League.

Issues: Abortion rights--opposes except in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is at risk. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--undecided. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--supports. Desert protection--opposes.

Ted Lowe, Libertarian

Home: Oceanside

Age: 50

Occupation: Works in sales for auto body parts supplier

Background: Member of the Libertarian Party for 10 years; making his first run for office.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports elimination of all taxes. Health care plan--opposes. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--opposes. Desert protection--opposes.


Ron Packard, Republican

Home: Carlsbad

Age: 60

Occupation: Incumbent

Background: First elected to Congress in 1982 by a write-in vote; a dentist, he relocated to Carlsbad in 1959 after being stationed at Camp Pendleton for two years in the U.S. Navy Dental Corps; former school board member, city councilman and mayor.

Issues: Abortion rights--opposes except in cases of rape, incest or if the mother’s life is in danger. Capital gains tax cut--supports. Health care plan--supports as a first step. Gun control--supports. Desert protection--opposes but favors alternative House bill.

Michael Farber, Democrat

Home: Escondido

Age: 31

Occupation: Former land broker and development consultant

Background: Member of the California Assn. of Realtors since 1985; owned a consulting business until the end of 1991.

Issues: Abortion rights--supports. Capital gains tax cut--supports for job-producing businesses. Health care plan--opposes, but generally supports universal health care plan. Gun control--opposes. Soviet aid--supports. Desert protection--pro-environment but wants to study bill.

Donna White, Peace and Freedom

Home: San Diego

Unavailable for comment
