
‘We Can’t Afford to Lose Midwifery’ Option

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Re “Midwives to Leave Home” (April 28): I have been watching the midwifery movement closely for years since, as an alternative to the traditional male/physician/hospital model of childbirth, it is in direct opposition to the medical power structure in this country.

I predicted that one of two things would happen to midwifery: My first fear, as I watched more and more nurse-midwives practicing in hospitals, was that the midwifery movement would be incorporated into the medical Establishment, thereby losing most of its power.

My other fear was that midwifery would become marginalized and made to seem so radical that it would appeal to only a small percentage of the population.


Clearly both of these means of oppression are being used to kill the midwifery movement.

With no malpractice insurance, the only choices for midwives are to go with the hospital model or become radical lay midwives who are seen as hacks by many.

Midwives are safe, nurturing caretakers who offer superior services for a lower price than obstetricians.

In an age where many are too poor to receive adequate prenatal care, we cannot afford to lose midwifery as an alternative.



