
Docents in Demand : Cultural institutions depend on volunteers. Those who help fill the need find it can be intellectually and socially stimulating.

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The next time you visit a museum in the county, take a moment to consider the volunteer staff. Chances are that they do a lot more than just direct guests to the nearest restroom.

Most cultural institutions depend heavily on volunteers to keep their doors open. And, in turn, volunteers often receive training in a docent program to become lecturers and tour guides.

Many older people in the county have discovered that docent service offers an intellectually and socially stimulating world where senior citizens can meet people their own age with similar interests. Some, like Bill Edwards, 62, of Simi Valley are also active in the community. Three weeks ago, Edwards was honored for his civic contributions by the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce as its 1991 Citizen of the Year. He also has been one of about 250 docents at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library since it opened in November.


“We operate in a very professional manner with a daily coordinator,” Edwards said. “Some docents are trained to give tours. But others prefer to do ‘station work’ and they remain in one place to explain things such as the Oval Office,” he added.

Docents at the Reagan library are immediately recognizable by their navy blue blazers and gray slacks or skirts. The library provides red silk ties and scarves with its presidential seal. A quarterly newsletter, “The Dandy Docent,” honors the contributions of its volunteers and contains informative columns by the library’s director and its museum curator.

If your interests lean toward less presidential issues--perhaps toward the Chumash Indian, Mexican-Spanish or pioneer periods--you might prefer the docent opportunities at the Stage Coach Inn Museum and Tri-Village Complex in Newbury Park. The main building, which dates from 1876, houses school tours and hands-on demonstrations that include gold panning by docents.


The 150 volunteers complete many tasks. One woman is cataloguing the quilt collection. Other people maintain the gardens. Some make crafts to sell in the Emporium, the museum shop. And other docents portray historical figures in the Living History Program.

“The volunteers and docent council really keep our museum open and running,” said Sandy Hildebrandt, museum complex director. “And they seem to come here and find something they love to do.”

Together United Grandparents (TUGS), a Camarillo-based support group for grandparents who are separated from their grandchildren through divorce or distance, will meet tonight at 7 p.m. at 2336 San Ysidro St. in Camarillo. Participants will offer questions regarding custody and visitation for an attorney who will address the group on May 21. For more information, call 388-1929 or 482-2962.



The following is a sampling of docent opportunities around the county:

* The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, 40 Presidential Drive in Simi Valley, has an on-going training program on two consecutive Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. In the first session, volunteers discuss the information manual. The second day gives participants hands-on training from seasoned docents. Docents also must complete 16 hours of trial service. For details about the docent program call 522-8444.

* The Stage Coach Inn Museum and Tri-Village Complex, 51 S. Ventu Park Road in Newbury Park, holds its annual six-week training period in January. But people may start now as receptionists by attending a training session of the Conejo Valley Historical Society on June 13 at 9:30 a.m. For details, call 495-6962.

* The Ventura County Museum of History and Art, 199 E. Main St. in Ventura, usually trains docents from November to June for work in the historical library, on the speakers bureau or as a tour guide. For more information, call 653-0323.

* The Civil Engineer Corps/Sea Bee Museum, located at the Sunkist Gate of the Naval Construction Battalion Center in Port Hueneme, is looking for volunteers for its new docent program. Especially needed is help preparing for an open house during Sea Bee Days, June 4-6. For details call 982-5165.
