
PLATFORM : Chuck Channel One

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<i> GEORGE WOODS, an educator for more than 24 years who currently teaches at Venice High School, commented on Channel One, the television service with commercials that is beamed into thousands of schools nationwide, including some in Los Angeles. He told The Times:</i>

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Bill Honig is correct to oppose the use of Channel One in public-school classrooms.

Who would seriously argue that 10 minutes of news highlights and two minutes of commercials is anything but the illusion of information and the celebration of the mass consumption that is destroying the value system of our children as well as our economy?

In exchange for TV sets in every classroom, and a satellite dish to receive the signals, teachers agree to show the daily news broadcast to their captive student audiences. Television sets in every room are unnecessary, but those we need should be bought with “no strings” public money.


Finally, the owner of Channel One, the Whittle Corp., is using profits to bankroll a network of nationwide “for profit” schools. Channel One is a scam (involving the use of) public money to buy the poison to murder America’s public schools.
