
“Off Center Comedy,” an improvisation program produced...

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“Off Center Comedy,” an improvisation program produced in Costa Mesa, has been selected as a finalist for the 1992 Hometown U.S.A. Video Festival. Production of the half-hour program recently stopped, but 26 episodes still are being shown on public access cable channels throughout the state. The program was produced by Maggi Bass-Jackson and features her, Craig Doyle, Alan Mollick and Nancy Schofield. Festival winners will be announced in mid-June and awards will be presented July 16. The 15-year-old festival is sponsored by the National Federation of Local Cable Programmers. More than 2,000 entries were received this year.

The Adolescents, the veteran Orange County punk band that played a series of nostalgia-driven reunion shows earlier this year, will carry on with three original members and a new name: ADZ. Guitarist Rikk Agnew, singer Tony Montana and drummer Casey Royer are joined by newcomers Roger Seeman on guitar and Mike Rouse on bass. ADZ headlines Friday at New Klub on the Block at the Newport Roadhouse in Costa Mesa. (714) 650-1141.
