
They Don’t Condemn Scott for His Words

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Byron Scott said: “I know how they feel. I wish they’d showed their anger in a different direction, but they’re going to show the way they feel one way or another.”

This last statement, we know from two major experiences in Los Angeles, is too true. I think that at this time, condemnation is not as important as understanding, which maybe can be translated into solutions.

I have enjoyed working with Byron Scott, and I am glad he is my neighbor. Those who have rushed to judge him should know that he is a fine father and step-father, supportive teammate and caring person. He gives great effort on the court and off. His many good deeds are not just directed to the African-American community. Among other things, he annually raises a considerable amount of money for the Children’s Hospital of Orange County.


We would all be better off if there were more Byron Scotts.


