
SIMI VALLEY : Court Refuses to Bar Planning on Club

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A Ventura County Superior Court commissioner has turned down a request by a Simi Valley homeowners association and an office complex owner to block the planning of a Boys & Girls Club facility.

Commissioner John Pattie ruled Thursday against a bid by the Alamo Court Homeowners Assn. and CPC Enterprises, which owns the Park Plaza office complex on Alamo Street, to halt all steps on construction of a Boys & Girls Club in Tapo Canyon Park, said John Torrance, Simi Valley’s attorney.

The ruling stemmed from a suit filed May 12 by the homeowners group and CPC against the city, the City Council and the Planning Commission.


The homeowners group and CPC have argued that the facility would block Alamo Court residents’ views of the Santa Susana Mountains. Their suit contends that city officials did not follow proper procedures when they approved the new building in March.

CPC and the homeowners could still prevail when the case goes to trial July 13. Pattie’s decision “means the pre-construction and planning activities that are currently under way may continue,” Torrance said.

Torrance said Pattie allowed the city to continue work on the building because actual construction is not expected to begin until late this year.
