
The Line Between Church and State

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I have just come from Lomita Boulevard and a counterdemonstration in support of the physicians that work there. I am pro-choice and pro-physician-to-patient privacy. What I witnessed today was more horrifying and with far deeper implications than any of us could suspect. As usual, the anti-choice faction was religiously sponsored.

After being confronted by one of their men, I was informed that there is nothing in the Constitution of the United States to uphold the separation of church and state and the real mission is to “Christianize” and “save” misguided people like me! What these fanatics propose is the imposition of their religion, their thought and way of life through all aspects of the political arena on the rest of us unsuspecting and largely complacent South Bay residents.

I, for one, am not about to stand back and wait for the 1992 inquisition a la Hope Chapel! If these dangerous and deluded zealots want to render politically unto God and the rest of us, then let them render unto Caesar as well and pay tax on their church properties, tithes and offerings.


Belief or disbelief, like choice, is an entirely personal matter and not one for the government, church or any servant thereof to decide for us! The agenda of these rabid fundamentalists is becoming all too clear--the danger as well!


