
Noise N the Hood: John Singleton, Ice Cube and the Fire This Time

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Regarding “The Mission Beyond Hollywood,” Patrick Goldstein’s profile of director John Singleton (May 31):

I am saddened by John Singleton’s remarks on the beating of Reginald O. Denny. Singleton is a terrifically promising filmmaker and obviously a highly intelligent and sensitive man--with some disturbing opinions.

I cannot agree with him that trying the alleged attackers in court would be “bull----,” even if a conviction could lead to further violence. Even if we accept that in a burst of mind-bending Quayle-esque crypto-racist stupidity, Denny yelled, “Rodney King got what he deserved!” to an angry crowd while stopped at a traffic light, it cannot even partially justify the ensuing brutality.


If King had called the police officers “honky pigs,” would the savage clubbing have been less of an injustice? Of course not.

I have a feeling that the Denny suspects will be easily convicted whereas, tragically, the King beaters were left unpunished. Much too often, we do have two separate and unequal legal systems. There’s plenty of good reason to be angry; perhaps there’s even good reason for occasionally trying to throw a scare into complacent whites.

But responsible people like Singleton need to realize that if one act of brutality is used to somehow justify a second such act, the brutality will never stop. Wasn’t that partly what “Boyz N the Hood” was about?



Los Angeles
