
What to Do With Campaign Signs

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The issue of Hacienda Heights incorporation has now been decided. The voters have spoken. There now remains one extremely important job that must be done--and that is to immediately remove all campaign signs that have made our community a shameful eyesore in recent weeks.

Candidates who truly respect our community will have already made arrangements for the cleanup effort. Those who have failed to do so may need to be prodded into action.

One way this might be done is for the candidate to offer a redemption fee for return of their signs to campaign headquarters. A more forceful way would be to treat all signs within the public right of way or otherwise illegally posted as litter and subject to litter laws.


The Cityhood Committee made “local eyesores” a big issue during the campaign. Yet the local eyesores, such as the closed restaurant at Hacienda near the freeway and the vacant property at Azusa and Colima, were further defiled by the plastering of an excessive number of campaign signs.

The illegal placement of signs is another deplorable practice. My respect for a candidate goes down in direct proportion to the number of signs that I see illegally posted, particularly when three or four identical signs are stuck up in one location.


Hacienda Heights
