
White Supremacy and Afrikans

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I would like to comment on “White Supremacy Imposed False Values on Afrikans,” by Kool Moe Dee (Personal Perspective, Opinion, May 24). I agree with him that the American people do not acknowledge the full extent of racism in our country nor do they realize the potential danger to our communities. But here is where our agreement ends.

He condemns capitalism as the source of racial tension. He labels our country a “wicked empire.” This country and its system are what he has profited by. He claims that white supremacy and capitalism are the reason for the Los Angeles riots. He claims that Afrikans were taken from a superior land and superior way of life, yet he chooses to reside in the U.S. and profits from its capitalistic system. Why?

He claims we are all victims of white supremacy. Racism is universal. Every class, race, or sex is guilty of discriminating against another. Here is where truth in humanity resides, with the acceptance that evil is present in all. In his final solution to curing racism in our society, he states that we “must approach all people as humans despite class, race or sex.” This is true, but he contradicts this solution by labeling his own people as Afrikans.


By labeling a people, you isolate them from society and encourage discrimination. For the purpose of eliminating labels and the discrimination it encourages in our country, maybe we should all just consider ourselves Americans. I hope that one day we as a people can all be proud of one another and proud to be Americans.


