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Researched by APRIL JACKSON / Los Angeles Times

On Sunday, over-the-line softball makes its last appearance in Orange County until this fall. The Newport Beach Open, to be played at Huntington State Beach, will be the county’s last OTL tournament until September. What is over-the-line? Call it the beach’s answer to the inner city game of stickball. A closer look at over-the-line: Playing the Game

There are only singles and home runs. Batters try to place their hits beyond the front line and within an area 52 feet wide. A home run is any ball that passes the feet of the person playing deep position. The Set-Up Three players make up a team. Players may play anywhere past the front Line. Games are five innings. Gloves are illegal, except for women and children. It’s a Hit: Any uncaught ball hit over the front line into fair territory Any fly ball touched and dropped It’s an Out: Swing and miss Two foul balls Fly ball caught by a fielder A ball that strikes the line or in front of the line Batting out of turn Scoring Three hits scores a run. Each additional hit in any inning scores another run. A home run clears the bases. At Bat The pitcher is a teammate who, from a sitting position, tosses a regulation-size softball to the batter. Players and Field Dimensions

Middle: Player responds to front’s defense by backing up or by making a play on the hit. This player has more time to read the hit and quickly break for the ball. Front: Set-up player and a reaction position. Moves from side-to-side, using hand signals to tell the other defenders how the ball is going to be played. Deep: Player watches the ball come off the bat and moves forward or backward to make a play. This position is held by the fastest, most-experienced team member. Importance of Hand Signals


Before the pitch, the front player reads the batter’s stance and signals to teammates how the front line will be played. The other defenders are then prepared to cover the field. Fist: Stay home Point: Move left or right as ball is pitched Wiggle Fingers: Fake staying home, will react as ball is hit Fist and point: Fake staying home, will move with pitch. Information, Please

To find out more about over-the-line teams and tournaments, call Russ Johnson at (310) 866-8685.

Source: Southern California Over-The-Line
