
Masters of the Mound: El Dorado baseball...

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Masters of the Mound: El Dorado baseball Coach Steve Gullotti said this season that his two top pitchers, Tyson DowDell and Shawn Holcomb, had an intense rivalry going.

“But they’d never admit to it,” Gullotti said.

Guess again.

“Tyson and I never bring it out in the open, but you’ve got to have that,” Holcomb said.

DowDell said: “I don’t think we’d admit to it, but we definitely do.”

Add El Do Duo: Don’t get the wrong impression--Holcomb and DowDell are also good pals.

DowDell is laid back, at least compared to Holcomb. “Shawn’s really nice,” DowDell said. “But sometimes, he gets a little psycho.”

DowDell offers the Empire League showdown against Cypress as an example. After striking out in his first at-bat, Holcomb stormed into the dugout and punched the steel bat holder. His reward? A stern look from Gullotti and a big bruise on his left hand.


“At least he didn’t hurt his throwing hand,” DowDell said.
