
CULTURE WATCH : Summertime: The Solstice Is Nigh

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Our ancestors worshiped the sun, so it is not surprising that summer, the season of the sun, elicits such attention.

Archeological sites that mark the first day of summer can be found around the world.

Throughout the Southwest, at places like Chaco Canyon, N.M., special ceremonies are held. At Medicine Wheel, an ancient astronomical observatory in Saskatchewan, Canada, there is a cairn for watching the solstice sunrise.

Much to the chagrin of British authorities, various New Agers, neo-pagans and like-minded folk make the pilgrimage to Stonehenge to mark the longest day of the year.


Alaska has many Midnight Sun festivities: Fairbanks has a Midnight Sun run and a Midnight Sun baseball game, which takes place about 10:30 at night--in daylight.

In sun-conscious Southern California, celebrating the solstice takes a different tack. Picnicking in the park or at the Hollywood Bowl, swimming, sunning and surfing at the beach and sailing are a few favorites.

So as you’re taking that long drive through the canyon or along the coast Saturday, keep the top down, the stereo up and the smiles on. And keep in mind that you’re continuing a time-honored tradition.




Due to an editing error, an item in View June 19 contained a misstate- ment. The first sentence of the third paragraph should read:

“Throughout the Southwest, at places like Chaco Canyon, N.M., special ceremonial sites can be found.”

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