
Controversy Over NEA Grants

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Art, like obscenity, is always in the eyes of the beholder. However, the true indecency here is not what constitutes art, what is acceptable to the moral majority, or the perception that this is an issue of 1st Amendment rights. The true indecency is that my tax dollars are frivolously wasted on “art” while 2 million of my fellow citizens are without a roof over their heads. I say scrap the NEA, discontinue all grants, and use the money to benefit the homeless.

Those citizens who have money will support the “arts” they chose to, which will take care of the issues of what is art, what is decent and what is obscene. The government has no more business delving into the field of art than it does getting into religion. Let us choose, by where and to whom we give our money, what we want as art; but stop using our tax dollars for what some bureaucrat or the courts deem is acceptable art. The truth is, all art is acceptable as art, and no art is acceptable to be subsidized by tax dollars.


