
Legislators’ Plans for Property Tax Money

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Why am I not surprised that Assembly Speaker Willie Brown and Senate Majority Leader David A. Roberti are in favor of a proposal to steal property tax money from the cities to balance the state budget?

Incredibly, Brown compares the cities to “heroin addicts” one year after the Legislature passed a record $7.5-billion tax hike.

At a time when the state is in the worst recession in 30 years, these freewheelers are spending like there is no end to the money. Funds cut from city governments will affect police and fire protection to pay for less important state programs.


How much more of this kind of fiscal irresponsibility can this state handle without going broke? Who is the Legislature representing when they pull this kind of a stunt?

They aren’t representing the average taxpayer. In fact, I believe this is nothing more than revenge on the voters for the passage of Prop. 140, the term-limiting initiative. The big spenders in the Legislature, like Roberti and Brown, know that they will be out of a job shortly and they want to punish the people of California before they go.

What is really frightening is that these same politicians, even with the Prop. 140 limitations, will be able to wreak havoc on this state for four more years unless we vote them ALL out in November.


