
Notes about your surroundings.

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Rare bird sightings--Although the final numbers are not in, the spring of 1992 is destined to be one for the record books when it comes to rare bird sightings, according to the Sea & Sage chapter of the National Audubon Society.

The list of unusual spring vagrants already spotted in the county this year is unprecedented, and the results from the end of the migration season--from mid-May to mid-June--are yet to be recorded, the chapter said.

The biggest highlight was the Louisiana waterthrush spotted at Huntington Central Park May 3 through 6. It was the first Orange County recorded sighting of the species, and one of only five or six recordings in California.


Other sightings of note during early May include a worm-eating warbler at Huntington Central Park, a yellow-throated vireo along the Santa Ana River in Anaheim and a white-eyed vireo in the Big Canyon area of Upper Newport Bay.

A reddish egret was spotted at Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge. It was the first county recording for the species in about 12 years.

A dusky flycatcher and a Townsend’s solitaire were seen at Huntington Central Park. Both are rare visitors to the county’s coastal area.


Numerous warbler vagrants have been spotted, including several Northern parulas at Starr Ranch Audubon Sanctuary, Huntington Central Park, Turtle Rock Nature Center and the Silverado Canyon area. Black-and-white warblers were seen at Huntington Central Park, Turtle Rock Nature Center and Westminster Memorial Park. Also, a hooded warbler was spotted in an Anaheim residential area.

Other sightings of note: two summer tanagers were seen, one at the Santa Ana River and another at Huntington Central Park. And a green-tailed towhee and an indigo bunting were spotted at Huntington Central Park.
