
Criticism for Fuentes, Dornan

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Re “Dornan Primary War Leaves Bitter Hangover,” (June 17): It is obvious that Dana Parsons captured some very deep frustrations; however, I would like to put a little more context to the article. The frustrations are not just over the Dornan/Ryan campaign, but go back much further than that.

Perhaps the point that I did not articulate clearly is that not only do I not see these “small men” as powerful, but I have little regard for the backbiting, lack of integrity and intolerance to different viewpoints.

The use of the word “hate” seems awfully strong when viewed in the context of the story and not with the humor that I meant to deliver it. Rather than “hate,” more accurately the party leadership seems to me to have little regard and total disrespect not only for women, but anyone who may be different--people of color, moderate Republicans and others.


The “party” led by Mr. (Tom) Fuentes includes a small band of people who appear to be very insecure about themselves and the ideals which they espouse, and therefore are intolerant of others’ abilities and viewpoints.

Tom Fuentes, chairman of the (Orange County) Republican Party--a party, by the way, whose very principles are individual rights and liberties with little or no government interference--is terribly threatened by the very democratic principles that (Republicans) say they fight (for) and protect in other countries: the right of free speech and the right to open and free elections and a healthy and competitive society.

Our wonderful democratic system provides the voters with a choice every two years. Those who choose public office should not be surprised or offended by opposition and competition. I just don’t happen to agree with Mr. Fuentes that all incumbents, bad or good, should have a right to run without opposition.


My anger and frustration have been building over a number of years. How many times have I been threatened: “You will never work again.” The threats and the name-calling directed at me by Congressman (Robert K.) Dornan and Chairman Fuentes include attacks on my personal ethics.

Judy Ryan’s campaign for Congress, against one of the biggest bullies in America, created a groundswell of people who feel that responsible, respectable representation is important.

One thing I know for sure is that (Dornan’s and Fuentes’) behavior will not increase the numbers of the Republican Party. This behavior will eventually embarrass the President.


Mr. Fuentes is supposed to be the chairman of the Republican Party, not just the conservatives in the party. Congressman Bob Dornan is supposed to represent all the people in the 46th District, not just the conservative Republicans. Shame on you both!

