
Sorrow Over Temecula Deaths but Support for Border Patrol

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The media is sure getting lots of mileage out of the tragedy that occurred in Temecula recently. The violent death of innocent children is an act that stirs strong emotion in the coldest heart.

Unfortunately, it is too easy for everyone to point the finger of blame at the Border Patrol. It is important to remember that they are performing an extremely difficult and dangerous job. They are underfunded and overworked. The last thing they need is for the public to turn against them.

The public outcry against the Border Patrol should instead be directed at the politicians. It is the politicians who have lacked the courage to fortify the border and place enough impediments in the path of illegal (immigrants) so that they will stop making the journey north.


The citizens must awaken to the fact that the United States, and California in particular, is under siege from a human tidal wave from outside our country. California’s increase in population from 22 million to over 30 million just during the 1980s should be the wake-up call. One out of every five residents of the city of Santa Ana is an illegal (immigrant). We are losing California. Or have we already lost it?

Support the Border Patrol!

LARRY CULBERTSON, San Juan Capistrano
