
Hillside Home Plan Irks Neighbors

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We would like to add our voices to others from the Diamond/Crestview Tract 764 for the preservation of the health, safety and integrity of our neighborhood and city.

It is with great apprehension that we see the city management listening to the will of landowners and developers to build over 125 homes in the steep hillsides surrounding our neighborhood.

In purchasing our own home more than three years ago, we spent months selecting a quiet, woodsy environment akin to our native Michigan in which to raise a family. To allow multiple construction vehicles on our narrow, winding streets for the next 14 years to build these homes is terrifying to us from both a principle as well as a safety standpoint.


Laguna Beach has always seemed to be a shining role model for the country when it came to environmental and quality-of-life issues.

What is happening? Why aren’t we exploring the buyout or damage-paying options, as allowed by the courts with the interest of preserving this disappearing environment? How can we in good conscience fight for Laguna Canyon preservation but allow developers in our own back door at the expense of both native wildlife, rare canyon terrain and the welfare of its citizens?

As steadfast local residents, we implore city officials to once again do the right thing and explore all options to protect our quality of life and stop the erosion, both physical and moral.


