
American Spirit

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I have never in my lifetime experienced such a spontaneous outpouring of selfless love and concern as I did on Jan. 29. If it were not for the tragic occurrence that left my home a rubble pile, I would count that day as one of my finest experiences.

Without solicitation on that morning as our home began to crumble before our eyes, the whole neighborhood seemed to just appear as they noticed our distress. Some folks even took time off from work to offer their assistance in attempts to retrieve personal belongings from our home and our neighbors’ home. City officials, city workers, the mayor and two councilmen rolled up their sleeves and began helping to empty the damaged homes.

People brought food, people (donated) labor, people sent cards, people gave money and people offered prayers. Churches offered places to stay, food to eat and prayers of support. There were private offers to help with shelter and storage from people we don’t know--kind souls we don’t know how to thank.


I’ve often wondered where the American spirit has gone and I found it--on the same street where I live, the same town where I live, and I believe it is still in the hearts of Americans all over our nation.

If you don’t have this kind of community, you can create it. All it takes is a core of good friends, an outstretched hand and heart and a smile to your neighbors and that core will grow into the community that we in San Juan Capistrano have.

If prosperity is the American dream, then brotherhood must be the American spirit. Thank you to all who helped and may God bless you.


PAUL FILIPOWICZ, San Juan Capistrano
