
President Bush at Earth Summit

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With the conclusion of the Earth Summit, has anyone taken the time to ask, “Did the rest of the world have emission controls installed in automobiles in 1965?” The answer is no! As recently as four years ago, the Western industrial powers of England, Germany and France had no controls on their cars and burned high-lead content gasoline in them. Has everyone forgotten that most Third World countries still have no controls on auto or industrial emissions?

Contrary to popular belief, the United States is the leader in environmental conscience and practice. We are the ones who invented catalytic converters! The President is absolutely right in refusing to bow to the consensus. The truth is that the other countries have been trashing the environment for generations and are attempting to extort money from us to clean up their messes. I suggest they practice what they preach before attempting to grab for our checkbook. Backwardness is no excuse for arrogance.

SCOTT LOGSDON, Grand Terrace
