
Sellers Should Get Real

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Last week, when our office caravaned new listings, the four agents in my car had a discussion regarding the self-defeating decisions that sellers make regarding the pricing of their properties.

We discussed how to guide our clients to make effective decisions and not be on the market nine to 18 months. Periodically sellers adjust the asking price but adjust it after the market has dipped lower than that newly lowered price.

I have been tracking sellers who insist on their prices, list with an agent, upon expiration market the house themselves, try discount brokers and relist with another agent. Sellers receive offers that they perceive to be “low ball,” turn them down, then months later, sell for considerably less that the original “low-ball” offer.


Why ask us to give a market analysis and professional opinions, even if free, if sellers aren’t going to give any credence to them?


Jon Douglas Company

