
Scientology School Plan

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Your article April 14 regarding the Church of Scientology boarding school gave a slightly false picture.

The Church has owned the property on Bouquet Canyon Road, which is at least six miles southeast of Green Valley, for almost two years.

Church representatives approached the Green Valley Town Council about 10 times since August of 1991 to present the plans for the school as a matter of courtesy to the community. However . . . we are not located in Green Valley, and our plans would not involve the Green Valley. Only recently, after several months of the Town Council being inactive, did our presentation to Green Valley come to fruition.


The only “opposition” quoted in your article was one single resident who has never approached us with any questions or concerns, despite the fact that we have repeatedly invited all Green Valley residents to tour the property and review our plans.

Of those in Green Valley who have seen the project, there have only been questions raised by a few residents germane to their everyday land-use problems such as water, sewage and waste. Each question has been dealt with thoroughly and professionally. These residents’ questions do not equate with “opposition.”

A large number of residents in the neighboring communities embrace and support our project. We can’t think of a better community in which to educate children entirely free from the adverse affects of drugs, crime and deteriorating moral standards unfortunately all too prevalent in Los Angeles schools. We have many other projects to address those problems, but why wait to give our children a superb environment to grow in, if we have the means to provide it now?


We welcome anyone who would like to see the project at Canyon Oaks Ranch to come over and tour the property.

SHIRLEY YOUNG. Young wrote on behalf of the Church of Scientology.
