
Countywide : Ex-Banker Selected Grand Jury Foreman

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Vincent Cauley of Laguna Niguel has been selected as the Orange County Grand Jury foreman for 1992-93.

Cauley, a retired banker and Navy captain, was appointed this week by Superior Court Judge John J. Ryan, supervising judge of the criminal panel. He will be sworn in Wednesday, replacing 1992-92 foreman James Burton.

As foreman, Cauley will oversee all functions of the grand jury, including appointing jurors to committees, preparing agendas and attending meetings. He will also be the spokesman for the jury.


“My philosophy for this year is to be creative, constructive and not destructive,” Cauley said.

He said he sought the position because he wanted to follow up on work he did as a member of the 1989-90 grand jury. “I basically felt there were several things . . . we didn’t really complete then,” he said.

Cauley said he wants to explore the effect of suggestions sent by the 1989-90 grand jury to the Local Agency Formation Commission, cautioning the agency to better examine the economic impact to the county when cities incorporate.


Cauley retired as a vice president for Wells Fargo Bank in 1987. He is also a retired Naval Reserve captain. Cauley has been a resident of Orange County since 1961. “This county has always been very good to me,” he said. “This appointment is a way for me to put something back into the county for all I’ve taken out.”
