
Strike Stops Toronto Newspaper From Going to Press for 1st Time in Century

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Striking workers stopped the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper, from going to press Saturday for the first time in 100 years, union and Star officials said.

The Star’s Saturday edition carried no news from Friday and contained only the travel, homes and auto sections and a TV guide, which the paper had printed earlier in the week. The slimmed-down edition was distributed free.

The strikers, including editorial, circulation, delivery and advertising workers, walked off their jobs June 8 after working without a contract since Jan. 1.


About 500 workers of the Southern Ontario Newspaper Guild, which represents the Star’s 1,500 striking workers, locked arms late Friday to prevent employees from non-striking unions from entering the building, a union spokeswoman said.

“Losing an edition is something few newspaper people ever experience,” Toronto Star spokesman Fred Ross said.
