
Ross Perot’s Campaign

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The day after the Sacramento and Irvine rallies for Ross Perot, and the gathering of 1.4 million signatures to put his name on the November ballot, you managed to find room inside Section A to report those events (June 19).

Of course, on the front page you had to cover the really important news: how the auto industry can better appeal to women, the looks of fortress-like homes, why two of three Catholics favor woman priests, etc.

Good, balanced reporting and excellent placement--right? You people in the media still don’t get it, do you? You’re seeing political history made, but in your journalistic myopia you denigrate it whenever you can and downplay it when you can’t. Folks, input this to your computers: 1.4 million signatures and counting, 30,000 volunteers and growing! Do you get it now?


J.B. HENDERSON, Westlake Village
