
Anti-Smoking Funds

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Congratulations to the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors on finally having the good sense to release the $5.3 million aimed at persuading minorities to stop smoking (July 1). Supervisor Gloria Molina, in her newfound watchdog role over the funds, might have been more believable had she acknowledged that she is aware of what tobacco use costs the county each year. The $5.3 million released doesn’t cost the county a penny--it is an allocation from a statewide cigarette tax fund.

Nationwide, the effects of diseases caused by tobacco use are estimated to cost the economy $70 billion annually. These costs are divided two-thirds in lost productivity and wages (which affect tax revenues) and one-third due to medical expenses, disability and death. California’s share of the tobacco burden is estimated at $7.1 billion annually.

For the greater good of the people of the county, Supervisor Molina should take steps to encourage and support tobacco control measures and set a good example by just saying no to the tobacco industry the next time it offers to donate to her reelection war chest.



Chair, Tobacco Activities Task Force

American Cancer Society

California Division, Oakland
