
Ballot Measure for More Police

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So Mayor Bradley is set to propose a special property tax to raise $100 million for an additional 1,000 police officers. Well, I propose he begin by taxing the beneficiaries of Prop. 13. We who did not have the ways or means or financial savvy to purchase real estate prior to 1978 have first borne the brunt of inflated real estate prices and higher property taxes and now depreciating property values and decreasing public services.

Now Bradley, a former cop, wants more cops. As it happens, my husband and I agree that it is a governmental sacrilege that Los Angeles has had an ill-run, ludicrously inadequate police force. And as much as we would like to help Chief Williams in the herculean task that lies ahead, we must say no to Bradley’s latest gouge of Los Angeles homeowners.

Although we pay 400% more in property taxes than the previous owners of our house (who sent their children through the L.A. public school system) and we are and will remain childless, the only property tax increase we would vote for would have to have an iron-clad guarantee that the proceeds would go to teachers’ salaries and to benefit public schools directly. It is our belief that with a sterling educational system in place, the need for additional police will be greatly diminished.



Playa Del Rey
