
What Do You Want From Older Generation?

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Responses gathered by Shara Cohen

Someday, the younger generation will no longer be young. Its members will take the places of their parents and be stuck with finding solutions to all the problems their predecessors left behind.

Hot Topics asks, “What do you expect or want from the older generation?”

“I’d say to first help get rid of George Bush and help us gain a President who cares more about women and their choices, because I’m very pro-choice and equality for minorities.”

Heather Howard, 14, freshman, Sunny Hills

“Advice, being that they have more experience than I, so we can make this world a better place.”


Meredith Harman, 16, senior, Sunny Hills

“I expect solutions to today’s environmental problems so they don’t leave the whole burden to our generation.”

Lindsay Hale, 16, junior, Fullerton

“I expect them to provide a good atmosphere to educate the younger generation and prepare them for the future.”

Kristin Martin, 17, senior, Rosary

“I want them to help the homeless because I’m really concerned about that, and just try to make a difference.”


Steve Chessen, 16, junior, Fountain Valley

“I expect them to pass on their wise ways and knowledge to me for the future.”

Chad Tons, 17, senior, Sunny Hills


Christy Xavier, 17, senior, Mater Dei

“Freedom to pursue our goals just as they pursued theirs.”

Ben Rogoway, 17, senior, Los Alamitos

“I want future jobs, and for them not to leave the economy in such poor shape.”

Josh Brownfield, 17, senior, Katella

“I expect that they be considerate of our generation and future generations because once they mess up something with the environment, then it’s our turn to clean it up. Then if our generation messes it up, then it’s left to future generations to fix it. I just want them to be considerate.”

Amy Freilich, 16, senior, Fullerton

“I expect for people to take care of the world, especially the ozone layer, and fix it now instead of leaving it to us.”

Amy Corderman, 17, senior, Fullerton

“I expect for them to do their best to leave a nicer place for us to grow up in and to live in when we get to be that age, and basically keep everything on the right track so we won’t have that many problems.”


Nate Hobbs, 17, senior, Servite

“I want encouragement for succeeding in our future goals.”

Michelle Estrick, 17, senior, Fullerton

“I just want a safe environment for kids to grow up in.”

Jordan Davis, 17, senior, Villa Park

“Understanding about our concerns, because there is more to life than makeup, boys and music. They should just listen and help as much as they can, because there are a lot of concerns that weigh heavy on my mind.”

Jennifer Borunda, 17, senior, Orange

“I expect that people take better care of our environment and appreciate the Earth.”

Johanna Pate, 15, junior, Fullerton

“I want them to give the younger generation a chance and to trust in them and to make the world a better place.”

Carrie Hurst, 14, sophomore, Rosary

Next Week’s Hot Topic:

What’s smart to do and not to do on a first date?
