
Asian-American Diversity

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I am a second-generation Korean-American and I want to once and for all clear the misconceptions people seem to have about Koreans. Many of us came to the United States with a few dollars in our pockets and the love of our families. Not all of us had expensive houses to sell in Seoul. The other thing we had was the American Dream and we worked hard to achieve our goals. The Korean government did not help us, and neither did our communities. Instead, we united as the Korean-American family, ready to help one another. Our parents worked 12 or more hours a day (not just the standard 9-5 shift) and we kids studied hard in school. Our life was never easy and is still a constant struggle for survival.

I’m very sorry that other Asian-Americans feel targeted because of how they look. I’m sorry that they are mistaken for Koreans. But I am Korean and I have been targeted so often for looking Chinese or Japanese that it hardly bothers me anymore. I just feel that some people are unable to deal with their prejudices effectively. Nonetheless, I am proud to be a Korean-American.


Monterey Park
