
Forgive Bill Clinton

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If we allow Bill Clinton’s alleged extramarital affairs of over a decade ago to cause us to reelect Bush, then we deserve the consequences.

Show me one man in this country who has not had problem periods in his marriage and at a moment of weakness might not have been capable of an infidelity. Jesus Christ is not available for the U.S. presidency.

We are not talking about a character flaw that will endanger our future. The Clintons have acknowledged rough roads in their marriage, but they rode them out and maintained a family. Who among us can cast the first stone?


Under Bush, we have faced the most massive industrial, economic, spiritual and educational decline in the history of our nation. We have fallen from the crest of endless possibility to the abyss of seemingly endless decline.

Forgive Bill Clinton and hold George Bush responsible for his actions of the last four years. Do it for your sake, your children’s sake and for the sake of a world on the edge of environmental catastrophe.


Huntington Beach
