
Boxer, Feinstein Lead in Senate Races, Poll Finds

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Democrats Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein each had 18-point leads over their Republican U.S. Senate opponents--commentator Bruce Herschensohn and Sen. John Seymour--in the first statewide Field Poll since all four won nomination in the June 2 primary election, poll founder Mervin Field reported Thursday.

In their contest for a full six-year term--the seat now held by Democrat Alan Cranston--Boxer was favored by 49% of the 771 registered voters sampled, with 31% for Herschensohn. Twenty percent were undecided, according to the Field Poll, formerly known as the California Poll.

Feinstein, the former San Francisco mayor, had 55% in her bid for the final two years of the term won by Republican Gov. Pete Wilson in 1988. Seymour, a former state senator appointed to the post on an interim basis by Wilson, had 37%, and 8% of those polled said they were undecided.


The poll, conducted by telephone July 22-28, has a margin of error of 3.6%, poll officials said.
