
Population Growth

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The future jumped right into our laps in your report on population forecasts, and I can suddenly feel its weight personally: 2010 is only 18 years away! Most of us will still be here to face it!

The article begs the question, “And what then?” What about 2020 when babies being born today will be under 30 years old? When there are no more rich to tax, will everyone starve to death, my children, too? Where will the 2 million 40-year-old trees come from to build those 1 million new housing units? Where will the water, power and freeway lanes come from? More important, what will go into those 2 million new mouths three times every day when the new housing will cover agricultural cropland?

And this report covers only Southern California. What about the rest of the country, which is also mushrooming, and the world? When the exhausted taxpayers flee Los Angeles, where will they go?


Our covenant must be that we will not produce more people than our Earth can support, educate and employ comfortably in a world ruled by natural law. JEAN MILL

