
LOS ANGELES : Holden Wins $75,000 in Libel Settlement

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A communications company wrote a letter of apology and agreed to pay $75,000 to Councilman Nate Holden to settle a 3-year-old libel suit, Holden said Tuesday.

Holden’s suit accused Blaine Group Inc. of libeling him in a letter alleging that he had influenced the schedule of a 1988 Transportation and Traffic Committee meeting on ambulance rate increases in return for contributions to the reelection campaign of Councilman John Ferraro. “We had no belief then, nor do we now, that you were involved in any arrangement related to illegal acts,” the Blaine Group letter said.

Holden said he was delighted. Some of the money will be donated to charitable causes, possibly including Rebuild L.A., created to restore riot-damaged areas. He said none will be used for his unofficial campaign for mayor.
