
Festival will show there’s more to in-line skating than going through the motions.

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If you’re tempted to try in-line skates but stories of broken bones have made you wary, you may want to roll over to Redondo Beach on Saturday for Rollermotion, a day of workshops and demonstrations dedicated to promoting “blading.”

Blading earned a bad rap when skaters who lost control of their quick, lightweight, rolling skates were injured in sometimes serious accidents, said Suzanne Nottingham, an in-line skate instructor.

The injuries could have been prevented with proper instruction and equipment, but interest in the new sport spread before such standards were set, making the skates a potential danger to those who misused them, she said.


Rollermotion organizers hope to help the sport overcome any lingering negative image with education. One of the day’s themes will be “How to Skate Safe.”

All you really need to start is “an open mind and proper equipment, common sense and good instruction--and a map of the best skating terrain in the area,” Nottingham said.

“At most in-line skate events, people just want to see how fast they can go,” added Allyson Davis, spokeswoman for California City Sports magazine, which is the host of the event with Mark Conte Productions. “But this is really to promote the sport and the safety of the sport and to show people there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Various sports and skate gear manufacturers will sponsor the event.


The skate fest is expected to attract hundreds of bladers and wanna-bes. Nottingham said she expects everyone from those “who have never had in-line skates on their feet, to those into doing ramp riding and the most radical stuff.”

So, whether you’re a social skater, a fitness fanatic or daredevil, the skate expo will offer lessons, exhibitions and equipment geared to fit your skill level.

Skaters can take part in four workshops as part of the $18 admission fee. For beginners, Nottingham’s learning center will offer instruction in the basics; the Hockey Arena and the Dress Circle for figure skating will introduce two new twists on street skating, and a workshop on racing will help prime competitors for races later in the day. A “power skating” workshop for experienced in-liners who want to tackle tricks and ramps costs an additional $8.


Two 10-K races, one for “elite” competitors, the other for “citizen” skaters and a 5-K “roll” should give all expo-goers a chance to test their wheels. The elite race offers cash awards to the winners and requires a $25 registration fee. Citizen race winners are eligible for prizes of equipment and gift certificates.

If you’d rather watch than skate, professional bladers will be on hand to demonstrate how to put flair in your stride with creative variations on blading essentials, such as turns and stops. Demonstrations of “skate funk,” a version of aerobics on skates, skate dancing, and daring trick skating will round out the program.

Rollermotion visitors can also peruse about 30 booths displaying the latest in skate gear, from safety equipment to color-coordinated fashions.

If you’ve yet to join the in-line crowd and have no skates to lace up, search out the skate van where equipment will be made available. A “roller mingle,” an open skate time scheduled for 3:30 p.m., should give everyone a chance to show off what they’ve learned.

Despite the lessons and demonstrations, advice and hip blading gear, Nottingham said she can’t guarantee her students that they’ll never take a tumble.

“I’ll be honest with you,” she confessed. “Sometimes when you’re skating, you do blow out. But it builds character. And what’s life without taking a few risks now and then?”


What: Rollermotion, a skate festival and exposition.

When: Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where: Aviation Park, Aviation and Manhattan Beach boulevards, Redondo Beach.

Admission: $18.

Information: (310) 798-2488.
