
LAGUNA NIGUEL : Council Opts to Wait on Term-Limit Vote

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The City Council has decided to take a wait-and-see stance on a proposed ordinance that would set a two-term limit for council members, saying it did not want to pass a law that might not be enforceable.

The council’s reluctance to adopt the term-limit ordinance comes in the wake of a recent Orange County Superior Court decision overturning a similar 10-year-old La Palma law. In that case, Judge William F. Rylaarsdam said a higher court ruled three years ago that cities bound by California general law, including Laguna Niguel, may not limit council terms. State law does not set term limits for municipal offices.

La Palma city officials have since filed an appeal.

Until recently, Laguna Niguel officials had talked of adopting the term-limit law only as a strong policy statement because of the likelihood of losing a legal challenge.


But council members unanimously agreed Tuesday to wait another 30 days and see what happens in the La Palma case before taking a final vote.

Councilwoman Patricia C. Bates said she was worried about the “credibility” the city would have in passing a law it could not enforce.
